Staff Spotlight – Deb Williamson

Deb is a Collegiate alumna and had travelled the world teaching before returning to Collegiate in 2005. She has held many positions in the School throughout her career, including the Literacy Coordinator of Prep to Year 6, the Director of EDGE and the Head of Middle and Junior School. She bought this wealth of knowledge into her current role as Deputy Principal in 2020.

What do you love about your job? 

I love being able to support the students and staff. There is nothing better than working with a student when they have that light bulb moment of grasping a difficult concept. I am proud to be part of the Collegiate Community and love meeting up with our Alumni, especially the Tremayne group, as they have fantastic stories to tell. I love seeing the students mature as they progress through the school.

What made you want to study teaching? 

I worked for a few years before going to university to train as a teacher, which gave me a lot of time to consider different professions and career paths.  There is no better feeling than teaching a child how to read and write!

What is one thing you would go back and tell your 14 year-old self? 

To not worry about what other people think and to believe in yourself.

What is one thing you would love to do, if you could you do anything? 

Travel the world with my husband and 2 sons.

If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would be seated at your table? 

My mum, so I could tell her what I am doing now and how well her grandsons have done. The Queen, only if she spoke freely, as she would have many stories to tell. Not because of her royal position, but that she has faced and managed so many things in her life with grace and dignity.