Year 12 Leavers 2021

On Monday 6 December, our Year 12s began the day with a breakfast with their House Dean, followed by their final Advent Service.  They then attended a morning tea to celebrate joining the Collegiate Alumni Association. Our Principal, Dr Adam Forysth, and the President of the Alumni Association, Kathryn Koay, welcomed our leavers into the Association. A celebratory cake was cut with our 2021 Head Prefect, Olivia Viney.

After the morning tea, we celebrated with our final Senior School Prize Giving Assembly. Congratulations to all of the students who were recipients of awards. An emotional farewell and thank you was given by our 2021 Deputy Head Prefects. Earlier in the year, our Year 12 leavers visited the Kindergarten students for Legacy Day, they recorded an inspirational quote for the video that was presented in assembly.

Our Year 12s finished the day, with the traditional guard of honour by the Middle School students and the ringing of the bell.

We wish our Year 12 Leavers all the best for their future endeavours.