Anglesea Presents – ‘Porridge’ by Craig Hawes

When a crime wave hits Happy Valley, there’s a caseload of mysteries to be solved! Who’s stolen Ma Hubbard’s recipe book? Who’s kidnapped Marigold the cow? And what dirty secret is Papa Bear hiding behind his Porridge empire? It’s down to Private Detective Jack Spratt to uncover the terrifying truth in this tale of mystery, mayhem and breakfast cereal! The St Michael’s Collegiate Junior School Year 2 to Year 4 students were proud to create their production of ‘Porridge’. We would like to thank Ms Zoe Kemp for all her hard work and dedication to bringing this musical to life. The students performed four shows and deserve to be commended for their outstanding production. Thank you to all our Junior School parents for supporting this production, it is a team effort and we couldn’t do it without you.