Early Learning

Campus Illustration by Sofie, ELC 2, 2021.

Early Learning Centre

St Michael’s Collegiate Early Learning Centre (ELC) provides a warm and welcoming start to your child’s educational journey.

Located on the green, cosy Junior School Campus in South Hobart, our Centre is staffed by an exceptional team of educators who value learning as an exciting and creative process.

Collegiate ELC holds an ‘Exceeding’ rating in all 7 areas of the National Quality Standard through the government-accredited assessment and rating system.

“We believe in providing a learning journey filled with unending possibilities. Our educationally rich program focuses on children’s individual interests to encourage their investigative and inquiry skills.
The design and delivery of our program is responsive to our current and contemporary world.
We believe that children are naturally inquisitive, a quality that drives their passion and determination to investigate the wonderful and the extraordinary.
Children are active participants in constructing their own knowledge through their interactions with others and the world around them.”

Early Learning centre Philosophy 2020-2021

The Collegiate ELC adopts a Reggio Emilia approach, which is designed to enrich learning in the formative years by immersing children in experience-based learning that stimulates their thirst for knowledge.

Catering for 2 to 4-year-old boys and girls, the Centre enjoys a warm village atmosphere with access to the Junior School facilities such as the tennis court, library, grassy oval, kitchen garden and flower patches, which are grown and maintained by the children.

The children also participate in unique nature walks along the Hobart Rivulet where they can engage in imaginative nature play and connect with their local community.

Our Early Learning Centre nurtures the learning and development of each child and family, providing a place for all to experience a sense of belonging.

Little Learning House

Our Little Learning House program welcomes children from birth to 4 years of age. The sessions are filled with play-based experiences, exploration and storytelling. The program is designed to offer families practical support and insight into play-based learning, to build connections between families with young children and to support each child to begin their individual learning journey.

The program will now take place in our Kindergarten Studio classroom space within our Junior School campus in South Hobart.

Our Early Learning Centre is staffed by an exceptional team of early learning specialists, who value each child’s ideas, needs and thoughts in order to enhance a sense of belonging and to create a safe environment in which the children can play and learn simultaneously.

Little Learning House is a free program, open to boys and girls from birth to 4 years of age. Parents/guardians are required to always supervise their children.

The sessions are held fortnightly during term time.  

Our last session for Term 1 is: Friday 12th April 2024

The session dates for Term 2 are:

Friday 10th May 2024

Friday 24th May 2024

Friday 7th June 2024

Friday 21st June 2024

Friday 5th July 2024

Sessions run from 9.30am – 10.30am.

For more information, feel free to contact our Early Learning Centre on (03) 6211 4953, or via email elc@collegiate.tas.edu.au

Early Learning Snapshots

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Early Leaning Children playing in Puddles in Raincoats


Early Learning Centre students splashing about on campus. What fun!