Staff Spotlight – Linda Bonnitcha

Linda Bonnitcha is our Educational Counsellor

What do you love about your job?

To meet and discuss the individual futures of young people is something that I consider to be an amazing job.  I always consider my role as an opportunity to make a difference to someone through a conversation.  It could be a simple career path or wellbeing discussion, but I love finding out about each student, individually and every day I am so grateful that I have this opportunity. 

What made you want to become an educational counsellor?

I have such a diverse background but have always had a passion for education.  I knew with my own career that I was able to engage in so many fields and gain so much experience, that I wanted to share with others the opportunities that are available to them and the knowledge that you can do anything if you really have a passion for it, even when you have individual challenges. 

What is one thing you would go back and tell your 14-year-old self?

Don’t say no to any opportunities.  When something is there for you to try, grab it with both hands, and don’t worry about what other people think, you’ve got this! 

What is one thing you would love to do, if you could do anything?

I would love to have continued to follow my dream of becoming an actor, and to continue singing.  I wanted to do this as a career but was always told it wasn’t a real job. 

If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would be seated at your table?

That is easy, my dinner table would consist of my three boys, Tom, Nic and Michael.  Why?  Because they are so much fun and make me smile every day, and now that they live away from Tasmania, I never realised at how much I would miss that!