Tremayne Lunch with Meg Bignell to celebrate ‘The Angry Women’s Choir’

Collegiate was proud to welcome alumna Meg Bignell (Warner, ’92) to a special lunch with members of the Tremayne Club, and others, to celebrate the publication of her new novel, The Angry Women’s Choir. Meg spoke beautifully, humbly, and eloquently about her time at the School. Meg, since graduating, held a myriad of positions and dabbled in many interests and pursuits. These provided her with a rich tapestry of characters and situations to use in her writing. To everyone’s delight, Meg even sang a song inspired by her novel, leading many to think what a wonderous stage musical would make.

There are so many memorable characters inhabiting Meg Bignell’s new novel, The Angry Women’s Choir and their varied stories should appeal to many readers beyond the Bass strait. As indicated by the book’s title, almost all women in the book have a lot to be angry about, but its values of compassion and kindness are very welcomed. Indeed, the book with its recognisable Hobart setting is ultimately a plea for charity, kindness, inclusivity, and understanding.