Our Year’s 9 and 10 Graphic and Digital Design class has collaborated with Procreate, the best-selling digital illustration app for iOS, to deliver a ‘Back to Bones’ lesson on Digital Animation. Our Head of Expressive Arts, Dr. Louise Bloomfield, worked with Savage Interactives’ Learning Coordinator, Lauren Yates-Jones (Alumni ’14), to adapt the lesson for our curriculum.

“I’m so proud of them, they’re amazing. Seeing them (the students) come out of themselves and to actually create these quirky little animations, is really quite exciting…I think giving them any skills to see how a great program like that can be used in a wider context, on a global scale, opens so many options for them and gives them the opportunities to learn.

Dr Louise Bloomfield, Head of Expressive Arts.
Year 9 and 10 students sketching their animations.

Bringing Ideas to Life

To create a finished animation, students needed to integrate skills from video production to human anatomy. ‘Back to Bones’ refers to the students looking and thinking about joints in the human body and how we move, before thinking about the sequence and their character, filming their classmates moving and animating the sequence.

I learned how to use something completely new that I had never used before, and I also learned how to look at things differently and just to give it a go.

Lucy, Year 10 student.
Lauren Yates-Jones with Collegiate students.

The Finished Product!